Thursday, May 28, 2009

Microsoft's Cluster Server 2008

I listened in on a webinar last week hosted by RAI and Microsoft.  Being a Linux fan for many years, I was skeptical of what the new Microsoft Cluster server could do -- especially since my team had evaluated it a couple of years ago and thought "ho-hum".  I will say they really surprised me with the speed at which they have taken this "also-ran" operating system and made it into a viable challenge for the Linux geek community to seriously consider.

If I were managing a new HPC operation I would give it serious consideration.  They had an issue with the networking interconnect speeds -- it's fixed (30% uplift).  They didn't have a migration path from existing Linux applications -- there is a great one now.  They had average cluster management utilities and average software offerings -- now they can bundle their scheduler with moab, torque, interact with Suse Linux (Novell's offering), and will work with you to integrate your Linux existing configuration with their Cluster Server 2008 to provide a smooth transition as you learn how to use their tools and software.  The goal, of course, is world domination -- just like Linux!  The difference is that Microsoft has a lot of horsepower behind this effort.

I think they just might succeed.  Maybe I'll have to change religions one day.

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